Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The fact that Senate Democrats won’t even agree to debate @SenatorTimScott s #JUSTICEAct proves all we need to know (even @SpeakerPelosi has said she'll work with GOP on it). It was never about creating real change, it was always about politicizing an issue to the fullest extent.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
The fact that Senate Democrats won’t even agree to debate @SenatorTimScott s #JUSTICEAct proves all we need to know (even @SpeakerPelosi has said she'll work with GOP on it). It was never about creating real change, it was always about politicizing an issue to the fullest extent.
s #JUSTICEAct proves all we need to know (even @SpeakerPelosi has said she'll work with GOP on it). It was never about creating real change, it was always about politicizing an issue to the fullest extent.— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) June 23, 2020