Wednesday, October 23, 2019

RT @RepDanCrenshaw: Adam Schiff isn't allowing Reps. to see the transcripts from this impeachment inquiry, but selectively leaks small portions to the press. This process should be transparent to the American people. It should be a fair process w/ clear rules, just like past impeachment inquiries.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @RepDanCrenshaw: Adam Schiff isn't allowing Reps. to see the transcripts from this impeachment inquiry, but selectively leaks small portions to the press. This process should be transparent to the American people. It should be a fair process w/ clear rules, just like past impeachment inquiries.
— Rep. Dan Crenshaw (@RepDanCrenshaw) October 23, 2019

I’m with @SteveScalise @RepMattGaetz & nearly 50 of my colleagues outside the Intelligence Committee room demanding an open and transparent process. We must #StopTheSchiffShow

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
I’m with @SteveScalise @RepMattGaetz & nearly 50 of my colleagues outside the Intelligence Committee room demanding an open and transparent process. We must #StopTheSchiffShow
@RepMattGaetz & nearly 50 of my colleagues outside the Intelligence Committee room demanding an open and transparent process. We must #StopTheSchiffShow— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) October 23, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

RT @RepGrothman: This week @SpeakerPelosi is bringing important issues to the House Floor… 13 post office naming bills. 😑 Absent from the agenda: #USMCA and a bill to lower #DrugPrices.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @RepGrothman: This week @SpeakerPelosi is bringing important issues to the House Floor… 13 post office naming bills. 😑 Absent from the agenda: #USMCA and a bill to lower #DrugPrices.
is bringing important issues to the House Floor… 13 post office naming bills. 😑

Absent from the agenda: #USMCA and a bill to lower #DrugPrices.— Rep. Glenn Grothman (@RepGrothman) October 16, 2019

House Democrats refuse to make their impeachment inquiry legitimate because they know it's founded on false pretenses. To treat @SteveScalise like this is shameful. Impeachment is a bipartisan process, not a one-sided quest for revenge.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
House Democrats refuse to make their impeachment inquiry legitimate because they know it's founded on false pretenses. To treat @SteveScalise like this is shameful. Impeachment is a bipartisan process, not a one-sided quest for revenge.
like this is shameful. Impeachment is a bipartisan process, not a one-sided quest for revenge.— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) October 16, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

RT @HouseGOP: “If we voted today, the USMCA would easily pass with bipartisan support. The only thing standing in the way of the #USMCA confirmation is Pelosi.” - @repkevinhern

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @HouseGOP: “If we voted today, the USMCA would easily pass with bipartisan support. The only thing standing in the way of the #USMCA confirmation is Pelosi.” - @repkevinhern
confirmation is Pelosi.” - @repkevinhern— House Republicans (@HouseGOP) October 7, 2019

RT @club4growth: We agree @repkevinhern! @SpeakerPelosi and Democrats must stop obstructing and pass #USMCA. This legislation would result in more than $68 billion in new economic growth and is a WIN for the American people! 🇺🇸

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @club4growth: We agree @repkevinhern! @SpeakerPelosi and Democrats must stop obstructing and pass #USMCA. This legislation would result in more than $68 billion in new economic growth and is a WIN for the American people! 🇺🇸
! @SpeakerPelosi and Democrats must stop obstructing and pass #USMCA. This legislation would result in more than $68 billion in new economic growth and is a WIN for the American people! 🇺🇸— Club for Growth (@club4growth) October 8, 2019

RT @Heritage_Action: .@repkevinhern says if Congress voted today, "the USMCA would easily pass with bipartisan support" but "Pelosi will do anything in her power to thwart the president’s success; she has thus far refused to allow a vote..."

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Heritage_Action: .@repkevinhern says if Congress voted today, "the USMCA would easily pass with bipartisan support" but "Pelosi will do anything in her power to thwart the president’s success; she has thus far refused to allow a vote..."
says if Congress voted today, "the USMCA would easily pass with bipartisan support" but "Pelosi will do anything in her power to thwart the president’s success; she has thus far refused to allow a vote..."— Heritage Action (@Heritage_Action) October 8, 2019