"Madam Speaker, Public hearings began in November 13th .
Less than a month later, Speaker Pelosi announced articles of impeachment. December 5th, saying that the investigation had revealed enough information to move forward with articles of impeachment.
Let's think about that 22-day investigation..
- Six of those days are weekends where hearings were weren't happening and the house was not in session.
- Seven of those days are weekends in which the house is in recess, including Thanksgiving.
- Two of those days are 'flying days' where Congress doesn't hold hearings.
So out of the 22 days just seven days.. SEVEN DAYS were used to investigate debate and vote on the impeachment of the duly elected leader of our country.
No wonder my constituents upset. Seven days to impeach the president of the United States.
The 7-Day investigation uncovered 0 facts in support of impeachment.
I spent every minute I had, in there, and all I learned is that if you hate someone so strongly, & if enough people agree with you; that's grounds enough to be impeached.
We asked for 12 hours of debate.. the same amount of time allotted to President Clinton's impeachment. 12 hours of debate for the possibly the biggest vote I will cast in my tenure as representative isn't asking too much.
But, no! They want to get out of here before Christmas. So it's okay to rush through the process.
I'm ashamed to be a part of this today even as I vote against the impeachment.
My constituents are calling every day, mad as hell, saying; "This historic chamber has fallen so low, to allow something like this to happen!".
The House spent just 7 days investigating impeachment before moving forward with a vote. I am ashamed to be apart of this sad day in our history.
— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) December 18, 2019
pic.twitter.com/TTNSgsoIWw— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) December 18, 2019