Saturday, June 29, 2019

RT @GovStitt: Great news w/ @WPXEnergy announcing their new Tulsa HQ! WPX produces energy in TX,NM, & ND, but Oklahoma will cont. to be home. @gtbynum has done an exceptional job showing the nation why Tulsa is a great place for job creators, their employees &families. #OklaProud #OKTopTen

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @GovStitt: Great news w/ @WPXEnergy announcing their new Tulsa HQ! WPX produces energy in TX,NM, & ND, but Oklahoma will cont. to be home. @gtbynum has done an exceptional job showing the nation why Tulsa is a great place for job creators, their employees &families. #OklaProud #OKTopTen