Friday, July 31, 2020

RT @KenCalvert: I don’t know what the Speaker is smoking, but this is crazy.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @KenCalvert: I don’t know what the Speaker is smoking, but this is crazy.
— Ken Calvert (@KenCalvert) July 31, 2020

@StenyHoyer There are 435 Members of the House elected by the people of our districts to serve for your benefit, not at the whim of career politicians like Pelosi & Hoyer. My responsibility is to my constituents, so I’ll be working in Oklahoma with you until our next vote is called.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
@StenyHoyer There are 435 Members of the House elected by the people of our districts to serve for your benefit, not at the whim of career politicians like Pelosi & Hoyer. My responsibility is to my constituents, so I’ll be working in Oklahoma with you until our next vote is called.
July 31, 2020

@StenyHoyer If a vote is called next week, I will be on the first plane to DC to cast my vote and fulfill my constitutional responsibility to my constituents.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
@StenyHoyer If a vote is called next week, I will be on the first plane to DC to cast my vote and fulfill my constitutional responsibility to my constituents.
July 31, 2020

@StenyHoyer I will continue to plan meetings and events with constituents back home, and continue to hear your concerns and talk with you about the issues that matter to you.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
@StenyHoyer I will continue to plan meetings and events with constituents back home, and continue to hear your concerns and talk with you about the issues that matter to you.
July 31, 2020

@StenyHoyer Well, I’m not going to sit on my hands & wait for Democrat leadership to tell me what to do. I am not going to cancel plans to meet with constituents back home in Oklahoma’s First District so that I can sit in my office waiting for as-yet-unknown legislation from Hoyer & Pelosi.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
@StenyHoyer Well, I’m not going to sit on my hands & wait for Democrat leadership to tell me what to do. I am not going to cancel plans to meet with constituents back home in Oklahoma’s First District so that I can sit in my office waiting for as-yet-unknown legislation from Hoyer & Pelosi.
July 31, 2020

@StenyHoyer Democrats could cancel the district work period and schedule hearings, debate, and votes for next week, but that’s not what they’re doing. Instead, they’re leaving Members of Congress in the dark as to what’s happening, telling us not to make plans.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
@StenyHoyer Democrats could cancel the district work period and schedule hearings, debate, and votes for next week, but that’s not what they’re doing. Instead, they’re leaving Members of Congress in the dark as to what’s happening, telling us not to make plans.
July 31, 2020

Democrat Leader @StenyHoyer just told the entire House that “no one should schedule themselves for next week.” What he wants is for House members to do nothing but wait for Speaker Pelosi to decide if we’re going to have a vote on new coronavirus legislation.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
Democrat Leader @StenyHoyer just told the entire House that “no one should schedule themselves for next week.” What he wants is for House members to do nothing but wait for Speaker Pelosi to decide if we’re going to have a vote on new coronavirus legislation.
just told the entire House that “no one should schedule themselves for next week.”

What he wants is for House members to do nothing but wait for Speaker Pelosi to decide if we’re going to have a vote on new coronavirus legislation.— Kevin Hern (@repkevinhern) July 31, 2020