Tuesday, January 29, 2019

RT @NFIB: Congratulations to NFIB Members, @SenatorBraun, @RepPeteStauber, @RepKevinHern, and @RepJohnRose for being newly elected into the 116th Congress! Special thanks to all NFIB Members currently serving in Congress, for strengthening the voice of #SmallBiz: https://t.co/WAQGgujORR https://t.co/Lgdtwmilh1

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @NFIB: Congratulations to NFIB Members, @SenatorBraun, @RepPeteStauber, @RepKevinHern, and @RepJohnRose for being newly elected into the 116th Congress! Special thanks to all NFIB Members currently serving in Congress, for strengthening the voice of #SmallBiz: https://t.co/WAQGgujORR https://t.co/Lgdtwmilh1

Great to see y’all today! https://t.co/24LxZmfyPr

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
Great to see y’all today! https://t.co/24LxZmfyPr

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Just gave a speech on the House floor calling out @HouseDemocrats for voting against a measure to fund the paychecks for federal employees who have been impacted by the partial #shutdown. This is the 2nd time they've voted against it. Time to stop the games & do our job. https://t.co/yMB1eS4ywO

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
Just gave a speech on the House floor calling out @HouseDemocrats for voting against a measure to fund the paychecks for federal employees who have been impacted by the partial #shutdown. This is the 2nd time they've voted against it. Time to stop the games & do our job. https://t.co/yMB1eS4ywO

RT @GOPLeader: Retweet if you agree that the State of the Union should proceed as planned. I just signed and submitted a resolution that would permit President Trump to deliver his #SOTU address in the Capitol on January 29th. https://t.co/yPn152cIV9

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @GOPLeader: Retweet if you agree that the State of the Union should proceed as planned. I just signed and submitted a resolution that would permit President Trump to deliver his #SOTU address in the Capitol on January 29th. https://t.co/yPn152cIV9

RT @gtbynum: Great to visit with Tulsa’s Congressman @repkevinhern about the work to be done in our city. Throughout this government shutdown he is donating his salary to local veterans organizations! https://t.co/VDwoyqnWeY https://t.co/0pMkRQfIqt

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @gtbynum: Great to visit with Tulsa’s Congressman @repkevinhern about the work to be done in our city. Throughout this government shutdown he is donating his salary to local veterans organizations! https://t.co/VDwoyqnWeY https://t.co/0pMkRQfIqt

Today, I was assigned to the House Committees on Natural Resources (@NatResources), Small Business (@HSBCgop), and the Budget (@housebudgetgop). I'm excited to use my business background and get to work for the American people. See my full statement here: https://t.co/T3UrKgyKP9

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
Today, I was assigned to the House Committees on Natural Resources (@NatResources), Small Business (@HSBCgop), and the Budget (@housebudgetgop). I'm excited to use my business background and get to work for the American people. See my full statement here: https://t.co/T3UrKgyKP9

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

RT @tulsaworld: Tulsa World editorial: Kevin Hern @krhern's refusal to keep his congressional pay during #shutdown is selfless, patriotic; the rest of Congress should do the same https://t.co/jBxpwKpSSD https://t.co/upPZqjC5FK

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @tulsaworld: Tulsa World editorial: Kevin Hern @krhern's refusal to keep his congressional pay during #shutdown is selfless, patriotic; the rest of Congress should do the same https://t.co/jBxpwKpSSD https://t.co/upPZqjC5FK

RT @Franklin_Graham: “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Franklin_Graham: “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

Friday, January 4, 2019

RT @Franklin_Graham: I just read about a Congressman I respect. I’ve never met him, but @RepKevinHern is not taking his salary during the government shutdown, he's giving it to groups that support our veterans. That’s commendable! 1/3 https://t.co/UB40MMfrnX

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Franklin_Graham: I just read about a Congressman I respect. I’ve never met him, but @RepKevinHern is not taking his salary during the government shutdown, he's giving it to groups that support our veterans. That’s commendable! 1/3 https://t.co/UB40MMfrnX

RT @Franklin_Graham: In my opinion, it should be standing law that when the government shuts down, Congress should not receive their salaries. They should also stay in session, working until a resolution is reached. I would venture to say that any shutdown wouldn’t last more than about 3 hours! 2/3

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Franklin_Graham: In my opinion, it should be standing law that when the government shuts down, Congress should not receive their salaries. They should also stay in session, working until a resolution is reached. I would venture to say that any shutdown wouldn’t last more than about 3 hours! 2/3

RT @Franklin_Graham: For those who have put their faith and trust in Christ, you can take comfort in knowing that no matter what comes, He has promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). 3/3

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Franklin_Graham: For those who have put their faith and trust in Christ, you can take comfort in knowing that no matter what comes, He has promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). 3/3

RT @Jim_Jordan: .@POTUS: "I'm very proud of doing what I'm doing. I don't call it a shutdown. I call it doing what you have to do for the benefit and for the safety of our country." #DoWhatWeSaid

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Jim_Jordan: .@POTUS: "I'm very proud of doing what I'm doing. I don't call it a shutdown. I call it doing what you have to do for the benefit and for the safety of our country." #DoWhatWeSaid

RT @Protectaxpayers: We stopped by @repkevinhern 's office yesterday. He is definitely ready to fight for taxpayers in the new Congress. TPA is looking forward to working with him.

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @Protectaxpayers: We stopped by @repkevinhern 's office yesterday. He is definitely ready to fight for taxpayers in the new Congress. TPA is looking forward to working with him.

RT @rkrehbiel: U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern donating congressional salary during shutdown https://t.co/5ALA4SHnQy via @tulsaworld

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
RT @rkrehbiel: U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern donating congressional salary during shutdown https://t.co/5ALA4SHnQy via @tulsaworld

I spoke with the @TulsaWorld yesterday about the work we're doing now in Congress, check it out: https://t.co/OFNengBr2i

Rep. Kevin Hern posted this:
I spoke with the @TulsaWorld yesterday about the work we're doing now in Congress, check it out: https://t.co/OFNengBr2i

Wednesday, January 2, 2019